Culture Press

In the heart of Los Angeles, amidst the glitz and glamour that often defined Hollywood, a different kind of spotlight shone. It wasn't about blockbuster films or chart-topping hits; it was about celebrating something far more profound – excellence, empowerment, and the relentless pursuit of truth. The 10th Annual Truth Awards emerged on the horizon, an event transcending the ordinary to honor extraordinary individuals and their remarkable contributions to the LGBTQ+ community. Spearheaded by Better Brothers Los Angeles (BBLA) and The DIVA Foundation under the guiding light of the incomparable Sheryl Lee Ralph, that year's Truth Awards promised nothing short of groundbreaking. With each passing year, the celebration of authenticity and achievement has grown in significance. The anticipation reached new heights as the Beverly Hilton Hotel prepared to open its doors on Saturday, March 30th. As the clock ticked closer to 5:30 pm, excitement brewed not just for a single evening but for an unprecedented trilogy of events, marking a historic first in the annals of the Truth Awards.
Monday, 27 November 2017 23:20

SULÉY en Vogue Night - Year End Celebration

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Seattle, Washington (November 27st, 2017) - SULÉY en Vogue Night event series was launched in 2016 at a historical Sorrento Hotel and it became extremely popular, making it the hottest and most upscale networking party night in Seattle. Join us to celebrate this Holiday season, have fabulous evening with amazing, like-minded people who love to get dressed up en vogue, connect, and have fun. SULÉY en Vogue Night will bring you a sensual experience and vibrant atmosphere of bohemian lifestyle, great conversations, creative performances, and opportunity to make new connections.

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